nadsat glossary


T he nadsat glossary is a rough compilation of the slang the droogies use in the movie. it's sort of a cross between russian and brittish slang. meaning us americans definately need a glossary. wtf does bollocks mean anyway?

*NOTE: these terms are taken from the book by: anthony burgess


A-d d-h h-m m-p p-s s-v v-z main

nadsat term
nadsat term
* shriking scratching
* Staja State Jail
shvat to grab starry ancient
sladky sweet strack horror
sloochat to happen * synthemesc drug
sloosh, slosshy to hear, to listen tally waist
slovo word * tashtook handkerchief
smech laugh * tass cup
smot to look tolchock to hit or push;blow, beating
sneety dream toofles slippers
* snoutie tobacco? tree three
* snuff it to die vareet to "cook up"
sobirat to pick up * vaysay washroom
* sod to fornicate, fornicator veck (see chelloveck)
soomaka "bag" * vellocet drug
soviet advice, order veshch thing
spat to sleep viddy to see or look
spatchka sleep voloss hair
* splodge, splosh - splash von - smell
* spoogy - terrified vred to harm or damage

* = NOT a russian term

